Old Dashboard Problems and Ideas–A Sorry Note to WordPress Developers From Some

  • Many of us prefer to still use the old dashboard, but it seems more and more our options are being phased out. If true, this means we no longer have the option to continue to use the older dashboard.

    Of late, the ability to underline anything is gone. (WordPress: “Underlines are confusing people since all lilnks are underlined, so we feel it is no longer a needed function” — paraphrased)

    If this is really the reason, why does the underline function remain in the newer dahsboard? And there are times an underline is needed. Most links do not show an underline unless a mmouse hovers over it, making this reason a bit silly.

    New problem is a BIG PROBLEM
    . All week I have not been able to link-up anything. Trying to do so leaves the content as it originally was, a basic text. To link anything up I need to save the post and take it to the new dashboard I really hate, save it, then bounce back to the better dashboard (in my opinion).

    Taking away the ability to link pretty much nullifies the reason for taking awat the underline. So come on WordPress, what are you REALLY up to?

    Please keep the old dashboard in working condition. You owe it to those of us still prefering it to the neweer dashboard. When you said both would be available, both should be kept in running order and NOT lose the underline for a wonky reason and then take away the ability to link up to another site in a post. The key is still there, it just no longer works.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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