Odd Stats After Upgrade

  • The other day I upgraded to a personal plan and mapped a domain I own at GoDaddy. All good, except since then my stats have been showing one view per hour, 24 hours a day from what seems to be the same IP. As far as I can tell, my stats track properly otherwise, but this underlying single view per hour remains. Originally I thought it might be search engine indexing on the new domain, but it’s a little consistent now for that.

    My site doesn’t get a whole lot of traffic, so an extra 24 views per day is definitely enough to screw with my stats. If there’s a way to filter it out (since it’s clearly not genuine human traffic) that would be terrific.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    We don’t show the IP address for visitors anywhere in the stats, nor do we show views per hour anywhere, so I’m not sure where you get this information.

    Since adding your domain there has been higher than usual number of views on your home page and a higher than usual visitors to views ratio, but it could be explained by a single visitor scrolling down your front page, loading the next page each time they get to the bottom, and looking back through your stats, but this is an actual person viewing your site in a browser.

    We don’t record automated traffic in stats. A view is only recorded if a page is physically loaded in a browser, and a focused browser window at that – if someone clicks a link to open your page in a new tab and lets it load in the background, but then closes that tab without ever switching to it, it won’t record a view.

  • You show per hour views in the “my site” panel via that little 48 hour graphic. You don’t show IPs, but I assume it’s how you determine the unique visitors count. I could be wrong.

    It’s interesting to note how you calculate your stats, but that makes the anomaly all the more perplexing. There are not enough posts on my site to keep someone clicking next for as long as you theorize, nor is there any reason for someone to hang out on the homepage for so long. It’s kind of bizarre, but I guess it could really be anything. I’ll let it be for now though and see if it straightens itself out.

    Thanks for the help!

  • Ah, I forgot about the stats ticker. I see what you mean. It’s not automated traffic from anything I can see, though.

    There’s no logical reason for someone to behave this way, but I’ve seen weirder things :)

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