Odd behavior seen in the del.icio.us sidebar widget for WordPress.com blog

  • I’ve been trying to learn WordPress with a test blog, and my del.icio.us sidebar widget is being bad. Whenever I enter tags in the field, “Show only these tags (separated by spaces),” no links are listed. I know the tags are entered correctly, and when the field is left blank, URLs list properly. Does anyone know when I can do to resolve this? Thanks!

  • I don’t see the del.icio. us widget in your sidebar and I don’t see any posts with category tags in your blog.

    Uummm this may sound sort of off beat but one has to have some posts with some tags in order for the widget to work. Could it be that you because don’t have any posts with any category tags as yet that it has nothig to work with?

    ->dashboard ->presentation -> sidebar widgets ->
    drop and drag the del.icio.us widget from the available widget area to the sidebar, configure the widget in the new working location and then save changes in order for it to show in the sidebar.

    All your widgets must be configured in this manner in order to become functional. All I see in you sidebar is the meebo one and drmike says that one is buggy.

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