Ocadia 1.3 problem with links sidebar widget

  • I searched but didn’t find this referenced. I’m using Ocadia, and though I don’t see a version number, on checking Beccary’s site, I see the most recent version is 1.3, and I assume that’s what I’m using.

    Problem is visible at my blog:

    The blogroll links are in little boxes by category. At the top there’s a partial box, which makes it look as if the box were overlaid by another widget. Not so: there’s nothing there but a partial box.

    Things I’ve tried: moving the widgets around; adding a new top link to the blogroll (category “Books”). So far, I can’t get rid of the partial box.

    Any ideas how to accomplish that?

  • Oh, I should add:

    Using Firefox and Windows XP (fully up to date)

  • I could have sworn I has answered this. Hmmm….

    For reference, we should be using the 1.1 version. His newer stuff does not work on the WPMU platform.

    Best bet would be to send in a feedback and point this out to staff. Also please point out the line underneath the search widget.

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