Nuntius Theme Error

  • Hi, I’ve look through a lot of free WordPress themes, most seem to have minor errors. I purchased themes as well and decided to let theme go because of bad code.

    Nuntius has one minor error in its design that should be fix. It’s minor, and upgrading to the customization package should not be required to fix it.

    On screen resolutions below 1150px, unnecessary scrolling is needed to see the sidebar.

    This can easily be fixed by removing
    #body-container {
    min-width: 1150px;
    from the main CSS file and adding
    #body-container {
    min-width: none!important;
    Problem solved, the theme will scale properly on all resolutions 1024px and up.

    Can staff see to this please thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll pass it along to the team to consider for a future update to the theme.

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