Number of Items on Front Page

  • I am interested in reducing the number of posts on the front page of my site. Currently, it appears to be displaying all posts on the front page. While I dont have that many, it’s only going to get worse as I start actively posting on the site.

    Site is using “latest posts” for front page.

    Yes I did change the
    Dashboard -> Settings ->Reading->Blog Pages Show at Most
    setting to the desired number (5) and clicked Save Now with no effect

    I checked search, and found nothing relevant other than that setting.

    I’ve also tried two different themes (Zoren and Fontfolio), same behavior on both.

    I’ve also tried posting in the Theme forum when I was trying to get Fontfolio to limit posts, but I never received a reply. Given that it is happening with more than one theme, this seems like it’s not theme specific.

    Am I really being dense or could there be an issue with my account or something?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Found solution, killed infinite scroll. While I would suggest this be posted someplace so info would be easy to access, it appears that has implemented this as preferred behavior.

  • Check the Theme Options page and disable Infinite Scroll. Then your settings will take effect.

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