Number next to the Facebook sharing button

  • Hi,
    I’m doing a project using WordPress, and I have to analyze the site stats. I was wondering what the number in the little bubble next to the Facebook button means (ex. Facebook 54). Does that mean that’s how many people shared it on Facebook?

    Please help! Thanks, Lindsay

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It reflects only the number of visitors to your blog who clicked that icon for Facebook on that specific post. It does not reflect sharing that’s done anywhere else because WordPress.COM does not have that data.

  • So it means that 54 people on Facebook clicked this specific post’s link to my blog page?

  • No, that is not what I said.
    I said this:
    It reflects only the number of visitors to your blog who clicked that icon for Facebook on that specific post. It does not reflect sharing that’s done anywhere else because WordPress.COM does not have that data.

  • I’m sorry. I’m still confused. I didn’t understand what that meant. Is there a different way that you could explain it? Thanks!

  • The number reflects the number of visitors who read your post on your blog and then clicked the Facebook share button below the post on the blog.

  • I guess the question is: does clicking on that button actually shares that article on FB? So if the button shows ’54’ then that is the least number of times the article has been shared on FB.

    However, this number, in my experience doesn’t always correspond to the number that the ‘stats’ page on the backend of shows. I have found that the latter number is usually much smaller. Not sure which number to trust.

  • Both of them. Lots of people share posts to FB from the Reader, and they do not count as a hit. Also, if you’ve got share button on the main blog posts page, then people will click to share and they’re only counted as a hit to the main blog, not that specific post.

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