Nuclear Theme Titles

  • Hello,

    I’m having problems setting up my site using Nuclear theme. In demo on the right side there are titles or headers above archives, tags,etc. After title there is this line.

    My problem is i can’t seem to find that title/font, I tried under headers out of 6 available none is correct. I was experimenting with widges a bit and found i can add title but only on one widget, which is the subscribe to blog one. on there the title is correct and is nicely above other text. If using header not only i don’t get the right font/title, but it also makes a lot of blank space in between. There is no option to add title in archives widget, like its showing in demo.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The new widget system does not currently have a way to add titles to some widgets.

    Instead, consider adding a Header Block widget above the widget you want to add a title to.

  • Hi there,

    You can use the “Legacy Widget Block” to add the title to your widget.

    Please follow these steps:

    1. Go to Appearance > Widgets > Select a Widget area (e.g Sidebar 1)
    2. Type “legacy widget” after the forward-slash. Select the “legacy widget” block
    3. You can then select the widget you want to use from the dropdown

    I hope this helps :)

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