Now unable to resize images in the Classic Editor

  • Until now I used to resize images inside *Classic* blocks by dragging the corners with the mouse. Since 2 days now, it’s without any effect.
    The same happens with both Firefox and Chrome. I tried to clear the cache of both.
    Clearing the site cache as said by the the support:
    does not seem possible in the Free Plan.
    (if it is, I did not find where)
    Thank you for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ve been encountering the same issue.

  • I’m also having this issue, so frustrating. Its as if they’re trying to break classic editor to force us to use the block editor, which is pathetic

  • Hi there folks, can you please clarify if you are encountering this issue with the

    A. Full Classic Editor, as described here


    B. The Classic Block, as described here


  • As for me, I encounter this issue with B. The Classic Block.
    (I have never used the “A. Full Classic Editor” until now, but I just checked with a test page: no problem there to resize images with the mouse)
    Thank you.

  • Hi folks,

    Do you mind sharing the link to the post you were working on when you faced this issue? It’s okay if the post is in draft. We can still take a look.

    I checked this on my test site and had no issue with resizing images using the cursor inside a Classic block. You can see it in the gif below:

    So I’m curious if there’s something specific in the editor, like a specific arrangement of blocks, that’s causing issues with image resizing for you.

  • Thanks for the reply.
    The issue now seems systematic on all new pages in my website.
    See this simple new TEST page:

    On older pages, where resizing with the mouse did work, it does not work anymore now.
    Strange indeed.

  • From my recent experiences, the Classic Block is a broken mess. Images won’t resize and half the time if I highlight something and then try to do anything to it (I’ve tried changing colour, making a hyperlink, even deleting or overwriting) and all that happens is that the section becomes un-highlighted

  • Hi @eyesontheballblog Since this thread focuses on resizing images in the Classic Block, if you are encountering other issues with the Classic Block, please open a new thread explaining the issue. You can do that here

    It would be extra helpful to note your OS and browser as well as linking to a post on your site where you have this issue. You can mark your new thread for Staff by adding the “Modlook” tag to your thread. Thanks.

  • Hi @justjennifer, as I have stated above, I am having the same issue with resizing images in the classic block, merely pointing out that this is not the only issue with the classic block, so perhaps it is all due to the same issue. Same as the OP, I am using Chrome

  • Hey there,

    @fgiannang Thanks for that additional information there – it looks like this could very well be a bug, and would need to be reported to the theme developers. This would be a theme specific bug for sure.

    This theme is provided under license to, so even though we report this bug, there’s no ETA as to when a fix would be deployed to us.

    Specifically, the image does resize, but the resize doesn’t appear in the classic block.

    Out of curiosity, what is making you use the classic block with the theme? The block editor takes some getting used to, but it’s more capable than the classic block and the classic editor.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • I’ve been on WordPress for over ten years now, and suddenly everything to do with the writing is getting worse.
    When I ‘save’ a half-written piece, it is lost – and there is no ‘saved’ box on the dashboard any more. I have to find it under ‘Activities’, if I’m lucky.
    I can’t send text links on ‘Classic’ any more. Can’t adjust the size of pictures, and, the ‘save’ box, the ‘preview’ box, and sometimes even the ‘Publish’ box have gone from the screen.
    It’s not very good now, is it?…

  • Thank you everybody for the replies.
    Please note the following, as asked by “justjennifer”:
    OS Linux Xubuntu 22.04
    Firefox 116.0.1 (64-bit)
    Chrome 115.0.5790.110 (Official Build) (64-bit).

    To respond to “aleon89”:

    • in my mind, the editor, classic or otherwise, is unrelated to the theme. So, it seems that I am wrong on this point.
    • as you say, the image is indeed resized, as I can see when the page is published. That it does not appear as resized in the classic block though, I cannot understand.
      Also,why did this bug appeared only a few days ago? May something in the WP classic block editor have changed recently?
    • about my using the Classic block, my aim is to keep my website as simple as possible. Also, copying texts from elsewhere in a Paragraph block usually results in too many separate blocks (as many as there are CR). I do not find this to be ideal for me. But I know that the block editor offers many more formatting possibilities. I will consider using it, as you seem to suggest.
    • in the meantime, if resizing images in the Classic block editor could work again as before…
      Thank you.
  • As per above post, I use the classic block as I find that it provides a look that I am happy and comfortable with, that retains the same format as before the block editor was available (keeping consistency through my site. But more than that it is (or was until it broke) simple to use as I have limited time. We should not have to change what we are comfortable using because of a bug

  • Hm… Yes…
    It looks like we are stuck with it, then.
    But thank you for the response!

  • Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching back out.

    • as you say, the image is indeed resized, as I can see when the page is published. That it does not appear as resized in the classic block though, I cannot understand.
      Also,why did this bug appeared only a few days ago? May something in the WP classic block editor have changed recently?

    My most educated guess, would be related to WordPress updates and theme updates. That’s to say that the theme developers (not just at but across all WordPress) need to keep up with core changes.

    We should not have to change what we are comfortable using because of a bug

    I understand these sentiments @eyesontheballblog, I do. Something to bare in mind is that WordPress as a software is changing and is becoming a more versatile and capable as piece of kit especially as the block editor is becoming more used – themes are indeed changing in nature.

    I’m hoping these are all useful insights.

  • Yes, yes, thank you!…

  • Same problem with me.

  • how is it becoming more versatile and capable if its bugged so we’re being told to change what we do? We want fixes not meaningless statements

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