Now this IS a SCAM.

  • There is a company sending emails to bloggers here at

    They say this:

    Our company can manually bookmark your press release or company website to 80-100 popular social bookmarking sites for only $25.00 US. It can help you spread your website link on the best social bookmarking websites. It helps you get a lot of back links and it helps you increase your traffic. Your link gets indexed by Google fast. This is something that you can do on your own but we provide this service as a convenience for our clients.

    Please do not fall for this – it is complete junk, it’s b******t, it’s spamming, it’s a con.
    They want you to pay them so they can spam your site everywhere, They get your money, you get a bad reputation for spamming.

    You already get indexed very well by Google, you can add the social bookmarking links to each post.

    Please do not give these people money. It does not break the terms of service here to do so but all you are doing is paying them to turn you into a spammer.

  • Thanks for the warning, Mark. It’s much appreciated. Have the crew gotten lots of reports about this scammer already?

  • Was that the one who got that one WP blogger’s comments all marked as spam?

  • Thanks Mark, for the warning.

    And since he mentioned Social book mark for your posts
    you can find a tutorial for this here → GetSocial Video Tutorial

  • justjennifer – we’ve had a couple in Support and I’m sure a couple of posts here have been about this. But I hadn’t see the actual email until this morning.
    I’m sure we’ll see complaints about them in time or more people saying “Hey, why am I marked as a spammer”. All we can do is tell people their money is better in their own pocket..

  • How about putting this as a sticky on the front page? It seems like more people need to be made aware of it.

  • I got one of those and just shook my head as I hit the delete button.

  • I got one of those and just shook my head as I hit the delete button.

    Same here.

    I have been getting loads of emails from one guy wanting to advertise. It got so far to be almost one email a day until I blocked him on my emails.

  • I got one as well and thought my blog is getting really popular ;o) I delete all spam.

    Nice to see you guys are on top of things, it is very easy to fall for such scam.

  • Link-spamming is one of the most obnoxious practices on the internet. It doesn’t impress anyone who receives such posts. Google is well aware of the practice. They say that they downgrades any site they notice is involved with it. They may even de-index such a site altogether. Anyone silly enough to pay for such a “service” probably doesn’t have a blog worth reading anyway.

  • For those new like me (been here for a year, just started blogging last month), know that the big G will find you quickly thanks to the work already done for us through and the services provided. Following the simple instructions in the FAQ, I was picked up so fast that my virtual head was spinning. Big thanks to WP, staff and support.

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