Notifications – stats Bug

  • Just got a notification that my Stats were booming for hourly views. Fine, one person clicked on every picture in the Coast Guard Museum post a couple of times.

    It’s about 8:00 pm here in the Pacific Northwest Feb 16 – so when I click on the link to see the stats for “today” I get sent to tomorrow Feb 17, which since tomorrow is not here yet, shows zero traffic.

    See Booming in my Media Library for the screen shot with the setup.

    I would have though you would have given up getting these bugs past me :)


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ve seen that message pop up at strange times too. :)

    Our notifications system is not instantaneous, so it’s possible something triggers the notice asynchronously from when the stats are updated on your page, so it might notice an uphill trend before your stats reflect it, or it could catch a previous trend that isn’t apparent when you view the site.

    If this starts happening regularly, please make a note of it and I’ll pass it along.

  • The stats reflected the trend notification everything was correct when I looked at the standard stats – it was the link from the notification that sent me to tomorrow

    It was tomorrow however in London

  • Gotcha. Let me know if it keeps happening.

  • Don’t have very many spikes in traffic – but if I get another one I will double check & let you know if I see a strange “feature” – my guess is that the Notification Link is UTC 0000 – that one might not be too hard for a programmer to check

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