Notification when publishing

  • Hello, I have a question..
    When I publish a site (not on my blogpart of the page), do my subscribers get a notification that there is something new.

    Lets say i have a menuepoint “blog” and there all my blogposts get published.

    And I have another menuepoint “recipes”.
    When i add a site with a recipe, is theere a notification?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    If you follow a blog, you will get notification for each new post published on that specific website. But if that blog owner creates a whole new website, that event should not generate a notification to you under your subscription to his/her previous blog.

    Here is how the ‘Following Blogs’ works:

    Anyway, you could inform your followers about the upcoming site via your existing blog’s posts.

  • I didnt mean a website. A new menue point. like you have the website “” and your blog is “” and your second menue point is “”.

    Your posts are published on “” and if I post a recipse I make a new Page.

    Do my follower get a notification that there is a new page like “”??

    I hope you understand what i mean.

  • Hi, for the same WordPress blog, the followers will get notifications for each new Post.

    We can add new ‘Post’ and new ‘Page’ on WordPress blogs. Posts and Pages are different. Notifications are generated for new ‘Post’, not for new ‘Page’. So, if you publish new Posts about recipes on your same blog, the followers will be notified.

    Here is Post vs Page:
    And here is how following works:

    Hope it helps.

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