Notification of new posts not received

  • I subscribe to a few sites, like and I receive not one notice of new posts for any of the WP sites I am supposedly following. I’ve checked “Edit Blogs I Follow” and “Account Settings” — everything appears right (“You get instant post emails…” and my email is correct).

    There was a thread on this issue here two years ago: no answer was forthcoming. Anyone?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I did not add
    “The blog I need help with is”
    which is my inactive WP site.


  • Is it possible these emails are going to your spam folder? Do you receive notifications from other blogs you follow?

    This isn’t uncommon with Gmail email addresses. If so, you should have the option to mark as “Not Spam” or “Not Junk”, eventually your email client will understand they are not spam or you can apply a filter.

  • Thanks for suggestion mjrmo. I did check my spam settings at server; I noticed that I had unblocked “(email visible only to moderators and staff)” but not “”. I just added it. I’ll know within a day or so if that works.

    I did look in my spam folder at server and saw nothing, but it did not have more than a couple days’ catch.

  • …donotreply at …

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