Notification icon not working

  • The notification icon in the top right hand corner is not working. Clearing the cache, logging out then logging back in, closing the browser then re-opening does not work either.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there –

    Thanks for bringing this to us! Will you let me know which browser you’re using and the version number? Do you have any browser extensions enabled there? If so, go ahead and turn them all off to see if it makes any difference. I’d also try a different browser to see if the same behavior happens or if it’s fixed.

  • Hi,

    For the moment, the notification icon appears to be working again. It’s left me a little bewildered.

    I use MS Edge as my browser with the latest version installed v115.0.1901.203. I don’t use any browser extensions. Extensions and me have never gotten along well.

  • @rennaed I’m glad it’s working again. If you run into issues with it again, can you try another browser right away (the fewer extensions the better) to confirm whether the problem persists regardless of browser? Let us know what you find.

  • That I will. Thanks.

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