Not Trusted Warning In Firefox For HTTPS WordPress

  • Hello,

    I think this is probably because I have WordPress to use HTTPS, but on certain parts of WordPress I get a warning in Firefox like this:

    Not Trusted Warning In Firefox For HTTPS WordPress

    (There is more, and I have screenshots, is someone can tell me how to send them)

    I have to add the page to the Exception list to be able the page, this only happens on some pages on WordPress.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Typo, that Is should be If, oops.

  • Wow! I use Firefox 3.6.13 and I don’t get the security warnings. Normally IE usrers get them and that’s why this support documentation entry exists: How do I get those annoying security warnings to go away?

    I don’t know how to help you and hope another Volunteer can.

  • Thank you. :)

    Once added to the Exception list, it goes away, but I just wanted to make sure that it was just a not a Security Threat/Issue. (In case I was not being directed to the real website or something) ;)

  • @goodjohn1984

    (There is more, and I have screenshots, is someone can tell me how to send them)

    For future reference if you need to send screen shots you can use just drag the pictures you want to send onto the home page then you will be presented with a direct link you can use here in the forums… (NO signup required)

    As for taking Screenshots If you have a Windows based computer I recommend using the free software called Screenpresso

  • Thank you very much, I had never heard of that website or that program; I am sure they will prove to be useful.

  • You’re welcome!

    BTW did you get the warning issue figured out or do you still need help with the Firefox warning matter.

  • Oh! I did not know anyone had responded again, sorry.

    Is there a way to get e-mail alerts when someone replies to your question in the forums?

    I do know how to deal with the warning issue, just add it to the exception list, I just wanted to make sure that I was being directed to the real website not A Malicious Website or something, that is all.

    It appears that the website is valid, if the information in my screenshots look like the valid website details to you, then the situation is now under control.

    And thank you in advance, for the help. :)

    Have a nice day,
    -John Jr

  • No email alerts on answers to questions – you can subscribe using RSS (see the sidebar)

    Also if you click on “member” that is under your username or your username when it says “Welcome xxx ” you will see a list of all the threads you have posted to – you can also tag a thread as “add this topic to your favorites” if you just want to see what happens in a thread.

  • Great! Thanks you. :)

  • I mean, thank you, oops. :D

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