Not Receiving Email from WordPress

  • I believe that I am not receiving email from WordPress.
    I haven’t had my blog too long, but in the beginning I did receive email from them. I got email copies of my posts and also any comments.

    I tried to change my email address under Options and I got the page that stated a confirmation email was being sent to me. I never received it. I tried to do this again and again but to no avail. I checked my junk box and it wasn’t in there either.

    Also, now when I send in a new post I do not receive my email copy or do I get a notification when there are comments. It seems like I’m just not getting any email from WordPress.

    At some point I did change themes, but I would not think that would be the problem. Or would it?

    Here is my blog:

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

  • I’m limited on time today. Please bare with me. :)

    1) Backend issue. Please send in a feedback.

    2) Please note that I modified your URL. Please use that. hatchcreek and www can not coexist and 30% of the net including most search engine spiders can not/ will not follow that link.


  • drmike,
    Thanks for your help. I will remember about my url.

    I already did send in feedback for this problem, but that was a few days ago and I didn’t hear anything. If I’m not getting email from them, that is maybe way I haven ‘t heard?


  • Not sure.

    someone bump this for me later today and I’ll send in a feedback. down to 18 minutes.

  • drmike,
    I just went in and checked and I see where someone has changed my email address to my new one. Thanks.

    Now, I’ll have to wait and see if I receive any email from WordPress.

    Thanks again.

  • I got the email on the 16th at 16:29 requesting the email change.
    12 minutes later I replied that I had changed the old to the new that you sent.

    Checking your blog now the admin change I had made was okay but the user email change was not – I just changed that too. Sorry about that.

  • Mark,
    Thank you for your help. When I go to my set up page I see that you now have my new email address. However, I never did receive an email notice. It is not in my junk mail box either.

    Do you have any clue why I’m not receiving my email notifications for comments, and email copy of the post I put up?

    Both my old and new email addresses are working here at my end.


  • Best bet would be to send in a feedback along with a link to this thread reminding Mark of the issue.

  • Yeah I’m having the same problem too..I’m frustrated about it, because I want my Gmail to backup all my wordpress mails and I can’t change the email address from my hotmail to the Gmail one :(

    Please provide help and a quick response to this issue.

  • @digitalgraphy
    You can change the email address you registered at with here -> Options
    scroll down to:
    E-mail address: ___________
    This address is used only for admin purposes. If you change this we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.

    And when you have entered your new email address click “update Options” to save.

    Then provided you have set up comment moderation properly on this page -> Options -> Discussion you will receive emails for moderated comments.

    Happy blogging :)

    Off topic:

    Please provide help and a quick response to this issue.

    Please read this sticky post at the head of the forum
    You will note when reading 6. in that post that the vast majority of all answers provided on this forum are provided by unpaid volunteers (your fellow bloggers), all of whom are doing the every best they can to provide correct answers within a shortest turnaround timeframe possible.

  • duplicate posting – cross reference

    NOTE: @digitalgraphy
    If you have already contacted staff using the “support” link on your dashboard then posting to the forum does not seem to make any sense at all.

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