Not Letting Me Update

  • Wordpress keeps switching me from my admin account @rforsma to my nonadmin account @queering3996 which stops me from being able to update my page. Is there a way to force WordPress to stay logged in as the admin? Unknown
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @queering3996, we aren’t switching your logins, but perhaps your browser remembers and suggests the wrong one? If you’re using Chrome, check on your Manage Passwords settings; clear out the one you don’t want to use anymore.

    You might even create a second “profile” in Chrome, and use one for each site.

  • So I understand that it may have to do with something in my browser or the way the site is hosted but this is what’s confusing me:

    -I log in to wordpress using my rforsma credentials through ionos (the host) and it takes me to my wordpress dashboard.
    -I access the customize section of my site
    -While in the customize tool, sometimes when I press publish things work but more often than not it tells me I don’t have permission and when I go back to my dashboard I’m now under the queering3996 credentials. I never physically logged out and back in. I was in the editor the whole time but at some point I got moved from rforsma to queering3996.

    Does that help explain the issue better?

  • Hi there,

    when I go back to my dashboard I’m now under the queering3996 credentials

    When you go back to the dashboard, are you on, or at {yourdomain}/wp-admin?

    You are posting in this forum as the username account, queering3996. This isn’t an account on your site at all, but only exists here on

    Conversely, rforsma is not a account at all, but is the admin account username, specific to your self-hosted WordPress site.

    You can access your site on via your queering3996 account because your site is connected here via the Jetpack plugin (it looks like you’ve since disconnected it). That Jetpack connection also lets you access WP-Admin directly, if you have Jetpack’s single sign-on feature activated, but what that essentially does is log your queering3996 account into the dashboard AS rforsma.

    So technically you’re not switching accounts, as Jetpack allows your account to “impersonate” your admin account – from your site’s point of view there’s only one account.


    Or do you also see a queering3996 account under Users ->All Users in your site’s WP-Admin dashboard? If you see that username there, that’s an account on your site, same as rforsma, and something completely separate and different from your account with the same username – both accounts having the queering3996 is purely coincidental in that case.

    If you have a queering3996 account on the site itself, and you’re being switched to it automatically, that has nothing to do with your account. That’s happening on your WordPress installation at Ionos.

    In that case, the most likely explanation is your browser, so try deleting all browser cookies for your site and log back into your admin account. If you don’t need that second user account on your site, you can also delete it from Users ->All Users in the dashboard.

    The different “WordPress” accounts can be confusing, so please let me know if you have any questions about this.

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