Not all images show in slideshow

  • I have 5 posts, everything set right, and yet 2 out of the 5 images do not appear in the slideshow.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, I just looked in your dashboard, and you have only 4 published posts:

    Slideshow4 is in your trash.

    You have two images that were uploaded to Slideshow5, one called slideshow4.jpg (mountains) and slideshow5.jpg (person in front of tree). Go to Appearance Media and delete the slideshow4.jpg image. You can re-upload it later. See if that doesn’t take care of the issue.

    Let me know if the above straightens out the missing image from Slideshow5.

  • Thanks for the help.

    I have deleted all posts and reloaded the images. This time none of them show in the slidehshow. What I’m trying to do is to get the slideshow to show at least these 4 images and then, further below, show a welcome message, a post, but have the images not show again in the main page, is there a way to do this? thanks!

  • I’m getting to work now the slideshow, I erased everything from the media library and as I upload them again, I choose to link to a custom URL, I don’t know if that’s what is making them appear, but they are appearing. Also I don’t choose a category, and by publishing like that, it gives them an image category, don’t know which of these make it work, but it now works. What I would like to do now is have the same images not show in the body of the main page, I will try by twerking with the settings–reading “show number of posts in front page” by changing to 2 posts, the ones I want to show with text. I would appreciate any help in having a white background to the pages, please, thanks!

  • Ok, got it to work, but if you want the images to show in the slider, but they appear again below. There must be some way around this, maybe a css script

  • Changed theme. Seems to work better with this one. I would appreciate help in a css that can eliminate the “posted on” for the posts. Thanks!

  • If you want to hide the post meta data (Posted on April 5, 2015) stuff, you can add the following CSS for Blissful Blog

    .entry-meta {
        display: none;

    Hiding just the Posted on part of things isn’t possible due to the way the CSS/HTML is done.

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