None of the pages of wordpress except the homepage ( loads!

  • None of the pages of wordpress except the homepage ( loads on my PC! Whereas wordpress runs perfectly on my laptop.

    I’ve been trying to access the “edit profile” page and the dashboard on wordpress for like weeks but after successfully logging in, the home page of wordpress loads after waiting for a while, but none of the other pages, including the dashboard, forum and edit profile page opens afterwards. (of course i’m posting it using my laptop :P )

    *These are the errors i get:

    >while logging in, i got this error 1/10 times: “if you are tayyabatiq then you cannot access the dashboard” and things like that. i just reloaded it and it disappeared.

    >after successfully logging in, “” takes too much time to load and then either opens or says:
    This web page is not available
    The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
    Error 15 (net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED): Unknown error.

    >After the homepage of wordpress is loaded and i’m logged in, if i try to open my profile to edit, it never loads! says:
    No data received
    Unable to load the web page because the server sent no data.
    Here are some suggestions:
    Reload this web page later.
    Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.
    same thing with the forum and dashboard..

    *I have already tried:
    >using IE
    >disabling all the plug-ins and extensions of chrome
    >re-installing chrome
    >resetting HOSTS file

    Nothing works! What should i do?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • And the wordpress is starting to make problems with the laptop too so please help me fast someone.. :'(

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