No WP Reader Profile Icon

  • Hello :)

    I’ve noticed there’s no image on my WP Reader profile at the top ( I’ve uploaded a screenshot to show you what I mean :

    I have a Flavicon set within my theme, the Soledad theme bought through Themeforest :

    The little Flavicon shows next to the posts, but there’s nothing on the icon at the top of my WP Reader profile. I’d like the site logo or something similar there to look a bit more professional but I can’t see any other options for setting it and it has been blank for a v.long time (I can’t even remember if/when there was an image there). I don’t suppose you know why that might be or how to get one set?

    Many thanks & kindest regards,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there did you try the suggestion from staff in your other thread at

    Since you’re already receiving staff assistance for this issue, it’s best to follow up in that thread rather than creating a new one. I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as a duplicate.

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