No WordPress on Firefox on OS10.11

  • On my Mac OS10.11.6 and show up unfunctional orload incomplete. Logging is is impossible.
    Clearing the cache did not help.
    Does anyone know what can be done here?
    This is done from my Chrome browser. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • So on the
    the page shows up looking perfect. Yet it non of the buttons or fields respond.
    Not even the Accept all button on the cookie pop up. only loads one letter on each menu. There the links do work though.
    I tried updating, resetting, cache clearing.

  • Hi @harryzicht – to help narrow down the issue, could you please try another browser like Firefox, Opera, or Safari and let me know if loads OK there or not.

    Could you please also try temporarily disabling all your Chrome extensions.

    Look for the section called “Manage your extensions”

    If the site loads OK with your extensions off, you can then try reactivating the extensions one-by-one – testing the site again in between each reactivation – to find the culprit causing the issue.

    Let me know how it goes.

  • @kathrynwp thanks for responding! I notice I was not clear in the first place. The problem described happens in the Firefox browser. 78.15.0esr (64-bit)

    I only succeeded in posting my request for help, by going back to the Chrome browser, where i now again type my answer. I

  • Thanks. Could you share a screenshot of what you’re seeing, or the exact error you get?

    For what it’s worth, I’m able to visit both sites on Firefox here, but I am running a later version. Are there any updates available to you?

    Also, I noticed the links you shared had typos, so just in case, can you ensure you’re visiting these sites?

  • Hi Supernovia :-)

    Thanks for your patience. Ok, so today I went down the rabbit hole to discover the probable root cause of the Firefox malfunctioning. It seems to be a result of planned obsolescence! :-( OMG how I hate that.

    My MacOS is 10.11.16. Not supported anymore. Firefox said I was up to date, but that means the best possible extended safety support version on this old OS:

    When I try to log in to my WordPress site with URL in order to blog, the page shows up, butthere is no way to log in.

    When I try to log in at the window shows up looking good, yet none of the clickable areas respond. I can not even Accept all the cookies:

    So that is not great… I feel kinda stuck now. I would love for you to find a way to still use my perfect computer with WordPress.

    Note that this conversation is done through my Chrome browser. It has quirks too, but works. Yet I’d rather use Firefox for all the reasons you state on
    Thanks for you kind attention.

  • Hi there,

    Great sleuthing here, as you’re spot on about Firefox being outdated is the most likely reason for the issues you’re encountering. Outdated browsers can cause all sorts of weird compatibility and security issues – not only on your site but on many other sites as well. Seeing that you’re on Firefox 78.15.0 and the current version is 120.0.1, support for that version has long since stopped, and I’m surprised that it is working as well as it is for you.

    First, I would try logging in under FireFox while in incognito mode and/or disabling all extensions and ad blockers. That would most likely rule out the other likely causes for this issue. If that does not work, I would recommend using a Browser such as Chrome. I know that it’s not preferable, but at this point, it will give you more compatibility, dependability, and security when working on your site.

    For more information on browser compatibility issues, please visit our support page:

    Hope this helps.

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