No Visitors On My Blog

  • @fin1002, their name is linked to their blog.

  • As far as I know, it’s not labeled as MATURE. I’m just wondering if it got labeled that way, and I wasn’t aware of it. I’m asking this because the links to my erotic horror tale can bring you to some rather mature material. And then there’s the two novels I have which delve into some rather hardcore concepts.

  • I have to admit, I’m thinking of getting rid of the blog. It’s getting to be too much of a distraction, and a frustration, in tying to figure out why I have no visitors. I’ll probably keep it active through the holidays then delete it. I don’t have the temperment for dealing with this technology. Thanks again for all the help, though.

  • Your blog is NOT rated Mature; if it was, your name here in the forums wouldn’t link to it. And since Mature-ity does take you off the global tag pages, it’s a huge drop in SEO.

    I suggest that the #1 way to get more readers is to link to blogs. Never link to Wikipedia because nobody there will check their stats and look at your blog. Link to small blogs that will check stats, track back and look and maybe link to you.

    Also, (and this sounds strange coming from me) don’t focus on your numbers. You can try to tweak numbers as much as you want, but why? What do you really want out of blogging? I bet it’s not numbers. I bet it’s either readership, engagement, emotional support, critique, community, OR a book deal.

    Pick one of those goals, and we can help you achieve it. Numbers alone won’t help you with ANY of those things.

    In the meantime, concentrate on your writing.

  • There is no such thing as passive blog promotion.

    Those who profess the “just build a blog and they will come” need a reality check. Attracting readers and holding their interest so they return and become subscribers is based on relationship building. You can have the best content in the blogosphere but unless it can be readily found by potential readers using search engines you will not be able establish a readership.

    If you want traffic in the form of targeted readers, who are already interested in the content your blog contains, then you must learn how to actively promote your blog in forums, in online groups, in social networks. You must also learn how to use social media like twitter and friendfeed for promotional purposes.

    The best place to post a blog description on your blog is on your About page, as it is meant to contain a brief biography (profile) and a blog description, including your blogging goal(s) and tags for the blog. But this is not the only place you will use that information. You will also post it on the profile pages of the social networks, forums, and online groups you join.

    (2) Is your blog structure and the content in your posts reader and search engine freindly? Or, are you playing hide and seek with the search engines and those potential reders who use them?

    • Do you assign categories and tags to your posts? Those ought to contain keywords that potential readers type into search engines in order to find blogs that interest them.
    • Are the keywords that describe the genera of the writing you do reflected in the url, title and tagline of your blog? Are they in the titles and subtitles you use? Once again it’s those keywords that potential readers type into search engines in order to find blogs that interest them, so if you have not used them you ought to do so.
  • Okay, I have gotten over the sudden contempt I had for my blog. I just couldn’t bring myself to delete it because of all the work I put into making those posts. All of it would have been for nothing had I gone ahead with my plans. Besides, I still get stragglers every once in a while. I’m now operating under the logic that if you build it they will come. Well, it’s been built and they do come, slowly but surely, they do come. For some reason the Introduction To Novel 1 post gets the most views. I don’t know exactly why since it’s not a tale but an account of how the novel came to be. Whatever the reason, I beefed it up with some photos, as it pertains to the info within.

  • I just discovered the wonders of the the Search Widget. I just added it to my blog. Now, that’s a widget I can stand up and cheer for!

  • I used to get tons of readers, and then I stopped blogging for some time at this site. Now I’ve started here again and get no readers, except from old friends. It’s hard to get your blog known by others and with so many blogs available, it might be only by chance that yours gets stumbled on. So, as has been said, don’t look for numbers, write for YOU! It’s a good place to save your thoughts and maybe get a comment or two.

    Oh, and it helps to visit other blogs and make yourself known by commenting other blogs yourself…. ;-)

  • The Golden Rule of Networking is: Give before you expect to get.

    If you want readers then become one first. If you want comments then comment, comment, comment – first. If you want others to promote your blog posts then promote their posts – first.

  • That’s what I also figured. Everybody and their brother has a blog these days, and apparently you have to have a unique and/or strong voice to be heard over all the others.That did bother before, obviously, but as I mentioned before, I just couldn’t let all my posting go down the drain with the press of a delete button. I still believe my blog has purpose, at least, for the occasional straggler who suddenly finds himself roaming into the stranger parts of the web, and if he decides to stay awhile to do some window shopping, then I’ll be more than happy to show off some of the wares I have.

  • @shawnfrancis
    I’m confused. I’m not sure why this thread keeps appearing in the Support forum. It seems clear that you don’t need any technical assistance with your blog. It also seems clear this thread became off-topic discussion quite some time ago. Weird.

  • @Mark and or any other Staff member
    When I sign out none of my comments made on this thread are visible even though they are accounted for on my profile page. The comment count on the thread likewise does not acknowledge the comments I made when I am signed out of However, when I sign in to I can see the comments I have made, and I have made copies of them so there is no question about whether or not I posted them.

  • No, don’t need help on this subject any longer. This will be my last post here.
    Thanks, all.

  • I mean, last post on THIS topic, in case, I wasn’t clear.

  • The topic ‘No Visitors On My Blog’ is closed to new replies.