no views showing

  • I have posted two articles on my blog and one of my friends has visited my site but still my stats are showing zero views.Why?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey technologyandsciencecom,

    Sometimes it can take time for the analytics to update on the back end. For views, it may take around five minutes for the stats to update. For new visitors, the stats can take around 2 hours to update.

    There are also a number of other factors that can decide whether or not a visit shows up in your analytics, including browsers that are no executing javascript. For a detailed guide, check out the stats support page here:

    I hope this helps! Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.

  • Hello, I have the same problem.
    My views are not counted for 2 days now. I asked friend to read my blog, so I am sure it’s more then zero.
    What can I do?

  • Hi @renildegees,

    As @scosgro has already stated, there are a number of factors that determine whether or not a view/visit will show up in your analytics. The following are not reflected in your stats:

    * Visits to uploaded documents and files
    * Visits from browsers that do not execute javascript or load images
    * GoogleBot and other search engine spiders
    * Visits you make to your own publicly available blog (when logged in to your account)
    * Visits by users that are logged in, and listed as members of the blog

    Do you know if any of the aforementioned scenarios were true when your friend visited your blog? If you are not sure then I would suggest you try again keeping the aforementioned scenarios in mind. You can read more about statistics and how processes the numbers here:

    I hope this information helps! :)

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