No tweets on scheduled posts

  • The Publicize tool for Twitter works only on New Posts, but not for scheduled posts. When a scheduled posts is published on its target date and time, no tweets are sent.

    I mean, I don’t mind but it’d be great if this works on published used-to-be-scheduled posts too.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We can’t investigate without a link to your blog, starting with http.

  • I tried it this morning but it didn’t seem to work for me either.

    I posted something with LiveWriter, and set the schedule for this morning – article was published but I saw no tweet (

  • Thanks for the link. In your case I can confirm that the issue is most likely with the RSS feed. There is a known bug with the RSS feeds of scheduled posts. If you go into the post and edit any aspect of it, turning a period to a comma or anything, then Update, the RSS feed will go out at that time (it does not go out when the scheduled post goes live, though it should). That will presumably kickstart the auto-Tweet.

  • I’ve used the twitter publicize feature 3 times, with scheduled posts. In all cases the tweet didn’t go when the post was posted.

    In 2 of the 3 cases the twitter box “unchecked” itself. When I updated the post, then the tweet went out…as you’ve described.

    I’d suggest that WP either fix this issue or state that the feature doesn’t work with scheduled posts.

    It’s a great tool, and would be nice if it worked with scheduled posts.

  • It doesn’t work. I have reported the same at the news thread. However, support staff is out and my comment is still pending approval.

    I am also trying to identify why it is necessary for them to have a preceding text “posted to” in front of the tweet. This is very inconvenient as it requires additional step to shoot the blog post over to Twiter (if you wish to delete or change the text). The URL is already pointing to, so why is there a need to have redundant reference to WP?

  • I authorized Twitter today (10/16) and tried to activate it for a post that I had already written, because I really wanted to see how it worked. The box keeps unchecking itself and I see nothing in Twitter. I also normally schedule my posts.

    Is there also a spot where I can permanently customize the message, or do I have to customize the box each time I make a post? It would be nice if there was some kind of customization.

    I like the new feature, and hopefully some of the kinks get worked out.

  • You cannot tweet previously posted blog posts, and you cannot customize the text permanently. The second issue is exactly what I’ve identified above. Perhaps support would listen if enough people see a need to permanently customize the text.

  • Currently there is a bug with Twitter Publicize and scheduled posts.

  • OK. I posted a comment in “Publicize: Twitter” post just yesterday, describing the same problem with the scheduled posts.
    Now I know that, really, there is a small problem with that.
    Thank you for the information

  • Please, does anyone know if the bug in Publicize Twitter not work with the scheduled posts have been fixed?
    thank you very much ; )

  • Today the bug I was experiencing with Publicize and scheduled posts got worse.

    Initially, it unchecked the twitter box after the scheduled post went live. To remedy that I had to edit the post, re-check the Twitter box, and press update.

    Today, when I did that the Twitter box unchecked itself again after the post updated. Not tweet was sent. I discovered if I re-edited the tweet, then checked the Twitter box, and updated the post it would work. At this point it’s becoming less than useful to me.

    It’s a pity because this would be a very handy feature if it worked properly.


  • Just a note to point out I’m suffering the same bug.

    While I’m here though, I’ll bump the thought that I wouldn’t mind some permanent modifiability in the “custom text”.


  • Any updates on this topic? It’s a pretty useful feature for me.

  • No. The RSS bug has been known for about two years now, and no change. Until it’s fixed, it’s unlikely that the Twitter automation can be made to work.

  • any updates on this one?

  • Uh.

    No. The RSS bug has been known for about two years now, and no change. Until it’s fixed, it’s unlikely that the Twitter automation can be made to work.

  • This isn’t a solution for what ails but it does the job. I’m a friendfeed member and every post that is published is tweeted. You can set up your friendfeed twitter automatically

  • How does that work? It can’t be RSS-dependent then.

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