No puedo acceder a mi blog

  • No puedo acceder a mi blog. . Creo que es porque el dominio se caducó. Por favor que tengo que hacer para que me lo renueven.

    Muchas gracias. Saludos

  • Hi malena2166,

    Your question translates to:

    I can not access my blog. I think it’s because the domain has expired. Please, what do I have to do to get it renewed? hasn’t expired yet. It is owned by another account, which is why there is no option to renew it while logged in as malena2166.

    Please log out of, then log back in with the username madagali. You should then be able to renew from the Manage Purchases page in that account:

    Let me know if you have any trouble.

  • Muchas gracias. Pero sigo sin poder acceder a mi blog. porque no recuerdo la contraseña y no puedo rescatarla con el procedimiento que marca la página porque no tengo ni ID ni nada para recuperarla,. Estoy desesperada porque me hace falta poder acceder para continuar trabajando con él. Intento el envío a mi email y no funciona. Por favor ayúdeme. Muchas gracias.

  • Hi there,

    Please see here for support in Español (Spanish)-

    Thank you. But I still can not access my blog. because I do not remember the password and I can not rescue it with the procedure that marks the page because I have neither ID nor anything to recover it. I’m desperate because I need to be able to access to continue working with him. I try sending to my email and it does not work. Please help me. Thank you.

    If you paid for the domain you will be able to find the transaction ID on your bank statement or in your PayPal account. We cannot give you access to the account without that verification.

  • ¡Hola @malena2166!

    Te he enviado un correo electrónico con algo más de información. Si te parece, respondenos por ahí y te echamos una mano para que puedas acceder a la cuenta correcta :)

    ¡Un saludo!

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