No more space for pictures….

  • Hi, i’ve had my blog for some time now, but recently (the last week or so) I haven’t been able to upload any pictures because they tell me I don’t have anyspace left. That isn’t my problem, I just deleted a few and I SHOULD have been fine. But nop… still no space!
    Ok, so I delete some more, and still the same problem!
    And again some more… nothing it just won’t work! So I would like to know if its a problem with my blog, wordpress or If im just an ignorant fool that can’t find out whats wrong!
    Thx for any help, anyone can supply!

  • hmmm… well i already sent in feedback to give us the amount of space used for the pics… with a figure displayed somewhere. They are looking into it.

    anyway as we continue to blog i somehow think that 25MB isn’t enough.

  • Don’t forget that you can use Flickr to store photos as well. It’s not that much more difficult, and you get a lot of free space.

  • Um, sorry, but 25mb should be plenty.

    You should attempt to make your images 50-100k each. This isn’t just to save space, but if a picture takes too long to load you will lose the reader.

    If quality is *that* important then as GD suggests, use flickr.

  • hmmm… well i already sent in feedback to give us the amount of space used for the pics… with a figure displayed somewhere. They are looking into it.

    This is actually also being discussed over in the MU forums and I do hope to see it worked into our dashboards soon.

    Edit: And I agree with Cornell. Half meg picture files are not that cool. At the very least please use thumbnails and remember we all don’t have OC-192s at our command.

  • I wonder, where this magic 25MB number has come from?

    it’s known, that MU ‘default space allowed is 10 MB’ but nobody (except PTB) knows actual quota setting on .com

  • The thread here where we discussed the 25 megs limit. I’d believe Lorelle as she seems to have an in with the WP staff. Granted this is an old thread and blog post but it’s the closest thing we have to something offical around here.

    My install of MU defaulted to 25 megs by the way.

  • thanks, mike, for the thread you’ve mentioned — it is really funny. /blog_upload_space

    Sun-Tzu: “Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design…”

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