No Login via Safari on iPad

  • I am registered as a contributor to a private blog.
    I cannot login to this blog via Safari on my iPad 2 although I can from any Mac or other iPad via Safari / Safari for iOS without a problem.

    Again on the iPad 2, the blog login screen in Safari repeats saying that this blog is marked “private” and that I shall login below… Typing in my user name (or e-mail) and password again results in the same message. Interestingly, when I tap on the “back to” link, my wordpress account opens and I can see the articles from the private blog that I actually wanted to log into… Spooky…
    The same behavior occurs when anyone else tries to login with their username and pw to the same private blog from my iPad 2: They cannot get in but the wordpress link takes them to their wordpress account where they can see the private blog posts…

    And again – I can login to this private blog using Safari on a Mac or Safari/iOS on another iPad.

    What I tried so far:
    Restarted Safari on iPad
    Deleted cache website data etc. in system preferences
    Restarted the iPad
    Reset the iPad
    Had the administrator of the private wordpress blog delete me as contributor and then re-invite me

    None of the above helped. Can you?


    PS: I want to avoid using the wordpress iOS app as it does not support the wordpress slide shows etc.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m sorry I am unable to help you resolve this. I tagged this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Hi @wilfriedundlore – That’s really odd! I don’t see any reason why this would be occurring. Out of curiosity, have you tried downloading another browser on your iPad just to give it a shot (like Chrome)?

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