No images in email to blog subscribers

  • Email notifications to my photography blog subscribers are not containing the images! I have had the same blog since 2011, and this has never been a problem until the last few months. I have not changed the theme. My blog post from a week ago entitled “Georgia” shows up fine on my phone, but the ones since then have only shown thumbnails. I have been getting emails from subscribers asking me to fix this, but I have no idea how. I subscribe to other blogs from that do not have this issue.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello!

    I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’re experiencing. To better understand the issue, could you please capture screenshots of an email where the images display as expected and another where they don’t? You can upload these screenshots to your site’s media library, which our staff can access, and we’ll begin our investigation.

    Thank you for your assistance!

  • Thank you. I have uploaded 3 images showing what the posts have looked like. The ones with thumbnails instead of images are from last two posts and the one called Georgia is what they used to look like. But before Georgia the thumbnails were showing. This is from my iPhone. My husband is able to see the images full size on his Windows computer. Others are contacting me that they can’t see the images- I presume all are thumbnails.

  • Thank you for the screenshots! I was not able to reproduce this on an Android device and I wonder if this is related to iPhones, or it can have something to do with the app you’re using to open the newsletters. If you log into your inbox via browser on your mobile – are the images displaying correctly?

  • It does seem to be an iPhone issue- but just with MY blog. I am a Mac user and had to figure out how to view my mail in a browser on my computer. It does show up in the browser.

    However, the blog of my friend who posts every day from her WordPress blog does not have this issue. I have never seen this happen with her blog- and it doesn’t happen every time with mine. Could the problem be related to the theme? She has a different theme than I do. Of course I’ve used this theme for several years with no problems. I’d really like to get this resolved.

  • Hey there,

    It wouldn’t be theme related necessarily, but instead perhaps device related – although it’s curious that it’s happening with one blog, but not the other.

    Out of curiosity, is this happening when viewing via a Mac or just the mobile device?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • It is happening on both my Mac and my iPhone. My husband can view it on his windows computer, but not his iPhone. I have had two friends with iPhones show me the same thing is happening on their iPhones.

    Oddly, square images usually show up full size. Occasionally one photo in the blog post will show up normally, but another will not. An example would be my post of December 18- Fishing Fleet.

    My temporary fix is to put a link to the blog right under the photo, but I don’t know if people are actually clicking on that link. I’ve explained in a blog post that WordPress has been notified and is working on it.

  • The blog itself shows up normally in Safari, Chrome etc. on iPhone and Mac computer.

  • Hi there,

    It does seem to be an iPhone issue- but just with MY blog. I am a Mac user and had to figure out how to view my mail in a browser on my computer. It does show up in the browser.

    I’m not sure that you mentioned this previously (I’ve read all replies in this thread) but what is the app you are using to view emails on your iPhone? The built in Mail app that comes with your phone?

    You mentioned you can see it in your browser. You mean to say that if you open your email account in the browser on your phone you can see the images at the correct size… or have you only tried the browser on your Mac, but not tried your phone browser?

    Does this issue occur when you use the mail app on your Mac as well? Or are images the correct size in both the Mail app and the browser view on your computer?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hi again,

    Also wanted to check in on one other detail. I noticed that you mentioned this issue started sometime after Dec 15th, yes? As in any posts before that point the images in email are the correct size, and after that point they are coming in at the incorrect size?

    To be sure I rule this out, there was no change in how you write and publish your posts, yes? Especially with regard to how you add images, do you do it exactly the same time? Or did you happen to make changes to the block settings or anything else we may want to account for when taking a closer look. Thanks!


  • I believe the problem started in December, but possibly before that. I did not knowingly make any changes to how I add images. I almost always put them in at full size, which I have for years. If an image is square- or portrait, I sometimes just put it in as Large, not full size. In general the square images have been showing up correctly in emails.

    The images show up incorrectly in my Mac email program, my iPhone mail, my husband’s iPhone, my friends’ Mac mail, and my friends’ iPhone mail. I don’t know how they look on other mobile phones that aren’t iPhones. None of this happens to other blogs- I can see images correctly on all.

    The images show up correctly when mail is opened in browsers on iPhone, Mac computer, and Windows computers.

    Could you look at my settings and see if I inadvertently changed something? Or maybe if you have a Mac or iPhone subscribe and see how images come in to your mail programs?

  • Hi! I was able to test a couple of things out using a test site and the Mail app on a Mac. In my test, the two emails I sent came through but didn’t show any images at all in the Mail app, but they did show up correctly when viewing the email in a browser.

    From what I can see, this isn’t an issue with your site, but appears to be rather something on the Apple side of things; I suspected this might be due to a recent update to Apple’s settings so I searched to see if I could find any similar issues from other people. I did indeed find something related – this thread on the Apple forums discusses similar issues:

    I followed their advice of trying to switch off the setting “Protect Mail Activity” in the Mail app’s Privacy settings, and the images in my test emails immediately appeared.

  • The first thing I did when this problem began was search for others with the problem. I found the apple mail settings and switched off “Protect Mail Activity” on both my computer and iPhone, as well as my husband’s. It made no difference to my blog post notification email- just thumbnails show. As I’ve said before, I can see images in other WordPress blog notifications- just not mine. Same for my friends who subscribe to my blog!

    Last night my iPhone updated- no change in today’s blog post notification. Just a thumbnail shows (in Mac mail and iPhone).

    Is there a setting I may have clicked inadvertently that could cause this problem?

    For my next blog post, I will post my image as “Large” instead of “Full size.”

    My workaround has been to post a link in my blog post that subscribers can click on to see the photo- and an explanation that WordPress is working on the problem.

  • My problem is solved- by me.

    I have experimented with changing the size of my photos and have discovered that “Full size” no longer works, but “Large” does. When using the full size images, they show up as thumbnails in WordPress email notifications. The large size images (whether landscape, portrait, or square) are all showing up correctly. As I said before, this is a new problem- full size images always worked before.

    So- it could be an Apple problem, but I took care of it through the settings for my blog post, not by changing anything in my Apple mail. Unchecking “Protect Mail Activity” had nothing to do with fixing the problem (I had done that before posting here to no effect).

    I am posting this here in case someone else has the same issue.

  • Thank you for the update, and glad to hear you were able to find a solution. Let us know if you run into any additional issues.

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