no home page

  • I’m sorry, it’s me again. I’ve been searching FAQs and Forums for two days now, and I’m ready to cry. Whatever theme I use, the “pages” doesn’t include my “Home” page, or “Blog” page, you know what I mean. I don’t want to use any of the themes that have the pages on the header, because they look cheesy. Every other blog I’ve seen has the “Home” page listed in “pages”. How do I put “Home” back in “pages”?

  • Mine isn’t listed under Pages at all. My blog posts go in a totally separate place. When you’re on a Page, you can get back to the blog posts by clicking on the name in the header or by clicking on the post in the sidebar, but there’s no HOME Page per se under “Pages” at all.

    It looks like your blog is set up the same way. Do not worry about it; people will be able to get to the blog anyway.

  • In my pages widget thingy, there is no “home” listing. It doesn’t matter which theme I use. I set up a second blog, and using the same themes, “home” IS listed. I know I can navigate to “home” by using the “back” toolbar button, but that makes it harder for my readers.

  • Usually the header image or text is a link back to your front page.

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