no email to followers

  • I posted a blog last night, but the notification was not sent out to my followers. I copied and pasted in a new post and still the notification was not sent out to my followers. I have over 40+ posts and this is the first time it is doing this. How do I fix it? How do I send a notification for the previous post?

  • Hi there,

    I’ve tagged for this thread to Staff attention, so they know that you need assistance and can run some tests with you.

    Please subscribe to this thread so to be notified once they reply to you.
    Meanwhile, please be patient :)

  • Hi there,

    I checked your account and I see that you’ve blocked all emails from, so you won’t receive any email notifications from your blog. You can change that by unchecking the setting “Block all email updates from blogs you’re following on” in your notifications settings.

    If other followers also aren’t receiving notifications from your blog, please let me know and I can continue investigating that for you.

  • I am not following any blogs. My followers are not receiving notifications when I publish my posts. Thanks.

  • I took another look at your blog, and I noticed that you don’t have any viewers on your blog. Since it’s a private blog, only people you invite to view the blog will have access to view and receive notifications from it.

    People who followed the blog while it was public won’t receive notifications now that it’s private, unless you invite them to become viewers.

    You can check your list of blog viewers here:

    And you can use the “Add” button there (next to “People” in the sidebar) to add new viewers to your site.

    Please let me know if I can do anything more to help with that!

  • When I go to add a new person, it shows the list of all the people that have accepted. Next to their email address it says “Viewer.”
    The link you posted says I have no viewers, but 28 email followers. Does my page have to be public for the email followers to get emails? Isn’t that the point of being an email follower??
    I do not want my page to be searched, but just notify my email followers. How can I do that?

  • Are you sure that the people who have been invited to your site have signed up for email notifications? You can have them check by logging into their account and going here:

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