no categories or archives

  • I changed to a different theme – Cubic, but it’s not showing any of the sidebar categories, neither from the posts I made before the switch or from the posts I made after the switch. The new theme is also not showing anything at all in the archives. I’ve tried updating a couple of posts to see if that would help, but nothing happened. How to fix this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Sorry but I don’t know what happened to the Archives when you changed to Cubic. After you change your theme all you need to do is go here Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Inactive Widgets and re-install them where you want them to appear. The widget contents and settings will be the same as they were prior to changing themes.

    For widget visibility settings that determine which pages which widgets display on see also

    It seems you need Themes Staff help and I tagged this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Thank you, timethief. It is apparently a glitch in the Cubic theme. I just unclicked both categories and archives in the ‘show as dropdown list,” and now both are showing. I would much prefer to have them in a dropdown list, so we’ll see what Staff has to say. Thanks again.

  • Never mind. I changed my theme. Resolved.

  • Thanks for letting me know. Tagging for Staff removed.

  • @timethief you kick ass. I was searching for the category option for so long! You didnt help jhanajian, but you sure did help me.

  • @louisavant
    Glad to know I helped you and thanks for the praise. :)

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