No Ads Appearing on my website

  • Hello. I’m writing today due to an issue with ads on my website:

    For the last couple of months, I’ve noticed there are no adverts anywhere on my page. I currently access my website via my google chrome browser on my PC. I have ADBlocker deactivated for my website!

    However, following my concerns, I’ve also accessed my website via incognito mode, my mobile device, and my daughter’s tablet, and neither show ads.

    I’ve checked my ad settings, and everything appears to be correct. I have assigned a Jetpack skyscraper ad widget on the top of my sidebar, but nothing shows!

    I’m currently a premium subscriber and am concerned that this method of creating/sharing content may not be the best avenue for me. If I can’t start recouping my time and money paid to create content with WordPress, I may have to look at alternative platforms.

    I’ve been on WordPress since 2015 and steadily increased my traffic to my website. I’d hoped by becoming a Premium subscriber, I could earn money for my time and work, but for the last two years I’ve been Premium, I’ve only managed to earn $67. This doesn’t even cover the costs. I’m sure there’s something wrong with my ads, and checking on alternate devices, suggests this could be the issue.

    Before I decide to look elsewhere, I’m hoping someone could look into this matter and maybe help me rectify these ad issues.

    Are there things I’m missing to increase my ad revenue? I’m getting, on average, 200 visitors per day to my blog, and recently have a spike of visitors of upwards of 700 plus per day, thanks to the new World of Warcraft expansion – and truth be told, I wanna try and capitalize on the increase of traffic to my website.

    Appreciate any help or advice going forward.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I apologize for the error in my post (I can’t edit it), but I’m on a Business plan, not a Premium Plan.

  • Hello @gra1980

    Thank you for your messages here. Because you have opened an email ticket with us too, I’ll close this forum thread and respond to you directly by email.

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