Newsvine feeds in sidebar?

  • I’m looking for help regarding adding another site’s feeds to my blog’s sidebar. offers both RSS and JSS feeds for various sections of the site, and they claim that you can “add them to your blog”.

    I was wondering if it was possible to add these feeds into a blog, and if so… how?

    I understand that strips a lot of code for security reasons and such, so it may not be possible at all, but I seek your collective wisdom on the matter.

  • You’re correct it isn’t possible, at least not without a plugin which at the moment aren’t available.

    The best you could do is add the link to their feeds for your readers to use.

  • couldn’t you use an aggregator like carp and put it into your posts and hit the eval code button?


  • This post is from 6 months ago. We now have the RSS widget that should work in this case.

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