new wordpress is bad and looks terrible

  • please change wordpress back to normal! It looks HORRIBLE and when I want to find something it takes forever to find it because I have to search everything on the same page instead of it being in a seperate place, PLEASE CHANGE IT! As we can see, a lot of other people hate it too.

  • I’m sorry you don’t like the new design. Please give it a few days and I’m sure you’ll become as familiar with it as you were with the old one. (Things haven’t changed that much.)

  • Matt: The icons for adding Media are not intuitive. There’s not even a popup descriptor that appears when hovering the pointer over them.

  • To each their own, I guess. I love the new look. Much cleaner overall, and the new front page is very handy — everything in one place. I think the naysayers will get used to the changes just as quickly as they came to complain about them. :)

  • Layout gets a B
    Color Scheme gets a D

    Pretty rough on the eyes

  • The only thing that I don’t like about it is that the “Right Now” bar is full of information that I just really don’t care about. I mean, I know what theme I’m using and I don’t care how many spam comments Askimet has kept from my blog. I’d rather that stuff be at the bottom of the page so I don’t have to scroll down past it to get to the “good stuff.”

    What would be cool to include in the “Right Now” bar is a link to current discussions in the forums – then I’d be alerted to this kind of change!

  • I agree with mvbuckeye01 on the color. I liked the old colors better. Layout is something I need to play around with first to see how it goes.

  • I like the new layout and I think it will be easier for new users.

    The only possible problem is having the publish button on the side. I still think its better to have the publish button just before the advanced options.

  • Go here to change the color scheme to something more familiar:

  • Why was “Save and Continue Editing” removed? This makes no sense.

    I’m used to “Save” putting away a post for later editing.

    Am I seeing right? — we are to rely on autosaving instead? That really screwed up Preview on my first post under the new UI.

  • matt when making a post,in between where you put your title for the post your making,and the box where you type the text for your post,i dont see the thing where you can add codes to make the text look different like adding a code to make it darker and using the link button to attach a link to any word you want talking about the thing that you use to customize your text,attach links to text you put in your post,and add images,can you try to put it back on or tell me what i need to do to fix this please :).

  • This help?

    The faq is being re-written in the next few days. It needed an overhaul anyway and this seemed the best time because we’ll also get lots of feedback with the new design which can only help it. That is why is was not done ahead of time or just dropped into place – we don’t know what new things people might want to know (though it should be less).

  • deltafoxtrot — thank, but it is not the quite the same ol’ colors.

  • One of my regular commenters is complaining because his avatar has disappeared – as it has! – are avatars not possible now for commenters with the new set-up? There’s not even a box showing the grey silhouette or red cross, except for my (blog owner’s) avatar, which displays normally.

  • You can switch the color scheme back to the classic by going to users > my profile and selecting “Classic” admin color scheme and then clicking “update profile.”

  • Why is this happenging!

  • I absolutely hate the new dashboard, and NO I do not want to get use to it. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. There was nothing wrong with classic color scheme. Wayyyyy too much information on the main dashboard page. Its giving me a headache!!

  • of course, we get used to things,
    maybe that’s why i can’t say i love a new layout.

    But: there are objective things, like pictures’ uploading system.
    Now we’ve got that evil pop-up thing, and have to watch
    that “uploading” line. Psychologically it seems, that
    uploading process takes a lot of time.

    Also: “Categories” and “Post”/”Save” thing.
    A usual sequence of actions is:
    1) We write a post
    2) we choose category;
    3) and only then we save it and publish it.

    So why that “Publish” thing comes from the right,
    and it is on the top of the page, while “Categories”
    are somewhere at the bottom of page?

    A new layout makes us to take more actions
    than it is necessary to write and publish.

  • Good grief, I haven’t ever had to use this before…
    Alright I will give it up, you DO have short tempers though.

  • Why don’t you just make an option, WP 2.4 or WP 2.5? Then everyones happy.

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