New Website

  • I started with the process of obtaining a free .com domain prior to creating my website but the steps led me to a payment page.

    I do not understand, what is free and what is not free.

    Can I create a website for free and get a .com domain for free as well? Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • A custom domain is only free for the first year when you buy a paid plan. Only a subdomain is for free.

  • Howdy –

    I’ll be glad to provide answers to these questions. 
    Yes, you can register a domain for free. That process is part of purchasing a hosting plan. The custom domain is free for the first year when a hosting plan is purchased. 
    Let’s chat a bit more about your project and its goals. That will help us get you started on the right path. 
    Take care!

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