new user – privacy setting question

  • hey, i am new here and have a queston about privacy.

    i would like to write a blog that only people who i know/allow can read. those people are not necessarily wordpress users, in fact most of them are “normal” visitors.

    well, if i choose the appropriate setting in my account, then EVERYBODY except search engines can see my blog. that is what i do not want. but if i change to “private”, then users have to be registered at wordpress, right? –> not good 1

    now i just tried with a second “testarticle” and gave it a password. as long as i was myself logged in, i had to use the password to be able to read the article (why? i was the one who wrote it, why does the author need a password?).
    as soon as i logged out and visited the blog as a logged out person, even the password-testarticle was readable and visible! help! i do not want that. –> not good 2

    any ideas how to make my blog safe and invisible?

    THANK YOU so much! you can answer in german also – oder besser lieber auf deutsch, das wär mir recht :)

  • 1) Private blogs require viewers to have a WordPress.COM account – all I can say is that is the way it works, Yes not everyone likes it.

    2) Password – I could only find one Post on your blog and it did not seem to require a password. requires everyone that first views a Post to put in a password. will remember that you put in the password even after you log-out. When you leave the site I think the cookie is deleted and you should require a password again. I don’t use the password option often and the first couple of times it sort of confused me a bit and I thought things were broken, but WP was just keeping track of me.

    3) Two ways to make invisible. Require all users to have an account or use passwords. The password option lets some of your blog visible to everyone, Private locks everyone out except those with the proper account. Also check the option of “block search engines but allow normal users” if you want to reduce the visibility of even the password protected site.

    4) If you have concerns about passwords and if we can see them put a second password protected Post and someone will visit and let you know what they see.

    The support Documents also have a pile of good information in them (Support at the top of this page when you are logged in or at the bottom of the page if you are not logged in)

    Welcome to WordPress.COM. several of my friends have sites here and like it,

  • 1) Private blogs require viewers to have a WordPress.COM account – all I can say is that is the way it works, Yes not everyone likes it.

    WordPress needs a way to know who is, and who is not, allowed to view a private blog. That is done by keeping a list of email accounts which are on your OKAY list: signing up for a wp account just means that wp has that person’s email address. Requiring people to “log-in” is very common all across the web.

  • hi, thanky for the answer. i think it was a cookie problem.
    that you cannot see a private post is just due to the fact that i deleted the “test psot” again when i wrote this question here.

    i think it is solved now, thank you for the answers!

  • When users create an account, that doesn’t mean they automatically can see my private blog, right? I have to add them?

    And, when I create posts, do I say “private” or “public”? Private would mean ONLY the author can see it, while public means ONLY the people who have been added to the blog by the administrator can see it, right? :)


  • I can’t see your blog unless you invite me in. If your blog is Private having a Post “Public” will not let me see it unless I am on you OK list –

    “Private Post” means that only you can see your own post. I have only used “Private Post” once.

  • PS:

    Slight correction to above.

    “”Private – Posts are only visible to blog Editors and Administrators. Private posts are not visible in Blog Surfer, feeds, or in any search. A post can be private without being password protected.””

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