new to wordpress: blogs/hierarchy question

  • Hi,

    I just switched over to using WordPress from Joomla, and I have some questions about how to set up the overall hierarchy of the site. Basically, my client wants his front page to have snippets of two blogs: one blog for his observations about life, and one blog to post/discuss funny pictures he finds on the internet. I see that you can make posts for each blog entry, AND give each of them categories, but is there a way to make a specific Page show all the blog posts from a specific category? If so, how do you designate that?

    Also, I want the home page (which is including the blogs through iinclude) to only display the most recent blog post, and then have a link take the user to the rest of the posts. How do I do that?

    Thank you for any assistance!

  • You did not specify a blog address or reason for posting when you created this topic.

    This support forum is for blogs hosted at If your question is about a self-hosted WordPress blog then you’ll find help at the forums.

    If you don’t understand the difference between and, you may find this information helpful.

    If you forgot to include a link to your blog, you can reply and include it below. It’ll help people to answer your question.

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