New to CSS and need a little help

  • Hello- I am a dimwit with CSS but did get the upgrade for and want to use the Journalist 1.9 theme. I have made some changes without screwing anything up too bad, but would like to do the following:

    1) Remove the line under the title of each post.
    2) Have the comments at the bottom of the post on one line (I think)
    3) Have the date, written by, and category at the top under the title of each post (I don’t want the time)
    4) Also, I can’t for the life of me find the red rollover color to change it.

    Is this possible? Any help in explaining what I have to do is much appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • First off I suggest reading this on the best way to do CSS here at wordpress.COM: .

    1) It looks like you figured that one out.

    2 & 3) That would require access to the underlying theme files and we do not have access to those. This is a multi-user platform and we all share the same underlying files. Any change by one person would change it for everyone using that theme.

    4) For the post titles, the hover color is declared under #content h2 a:hover . If you want the other links to all be a different hover color as well then you will also have to change the color declared in a:hover .

  • Thank you very much!

  • Hi… I’m another dimwit, lol.

    I have about 5 privately hosted WP blogs, but I never attempted to mess with their CSS before. I started a brand new one tonight and thought I’d have a play with customising this premium theme I bought for another site (it’s a multi site licence).

    Ok… well, I stupidly assumed that, knowing html pretty well, if I stared long enough at CSS I would “get it” and be able to make simple changes the theme.

    Well, it was going great guns for a little while. I had all the backgrounds, fonts, links and tabs just the way I wanted them. Was looking promising and I kept making only one small change at a time.

    BUT… then I decided I want to change the look of the page and category menus and all hell broke loose because I started “interpreting” what I thought the code meant (big mistake). I made one blooper and it simply wouldn’t let me undo it. No matter how many times I flushed my cache out, it still was a mess.

    So I copied and pasted the origianal CSS that I had on another blog, but it made it WORSE and all my widgets merged into the page.

    Then I uninstalled the theme, thinking its CSS would go with it, but then all the other themes had exactly the same problems.

    Now I’m stuck with a site that is 100% unusable and I feel like a dope.

    Fortunately, as this is a brand new site there is NO content on it at all yet. But I am totally STUCK here. What do I do? Do I need to uninstall WP on the site altogether? Is there any way of restoring a CSS once it is corrupt?

    Your help is SO appreciated!

  • @teknochik sorry, you are in the wrong forum and need to head over to http://wordpress.ORG/support/ as that is where self-hosted wordpress blogs using the software from wordpress.ORG are supported.

    These forums are for those hosted here on the wordpress.COM free hosting service and things here work differently and our answers typically will not work for you.

    If you do not know the difference, see this support document: .

  • Thanks. I sort of thought that was the case, but I was unaware the had that facility. I’ll mosey on over there now. ;-)

  • You’re welcome and good luck.

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