New Theme, White Bar Removal

  • Greetings All,

    I had to change themes because Sweet Blossoms was being phased out. I now have Bouquet which is cool. But there is this ghastly white bar appears over the title of my site “Nails By Bonnie.” The white bar would be tolerable except it bleeds over a little into the other color on my site. Is there any way to fix this? It’s not pleasing to the eye. All assistance is appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,
    I have flagged this thread for Staff attention and it will be moved to the Themes Forum for you. There Themes Staff will reply to you and help you with this issue.

  • Oh ok. Thanks. I will remember that next time. It’s overwhelming to go thru all of the topics at times. But I appreciate it!

  • Hi Bonnie,
    Thanks for posting about this.

    The white overlay and background color that bleeds over into the design is there on purpose—it’s an intentional part of Bouquet’s layout and visual effect.

    It’s not just decorative, though — if you were to remove it the text would be really hard to read against the flower pattern. So it’s actually an important design technique to make the text readable and usable to your site visitors.

  • @Lance,
    When viewed in Firefox 8 there is a small white strip in the header under the blog title that is overflowing the header on the left hand side of it. I don’t believe this is intentional so will you please check it out using Firefox 8?

  • @timethief Hmm, I don’t see it. Would you be able to upload a screenshot for us? That way we can be sure we’re talking about the same thing.

    Here’s what I’m seeing in Firefox 8:

  • Hi Lance. I just saw this message. Thanks you guys for responding. The white bleeds over just a bit after the “N” in Nails By Bonnie. Surely this can’t be intentional? I understand & agree that the white bar is needed. I just don’t know why some of the white has to bleed into the the header on the left side. Thanks!

  • I also started using Bouquet and really like it.

    One thing I feel is unfortunate is that it seems the title in the header isn’t quite centered. Or does it only seem so because od this foggy white strip?

    The other thing is that the subtitle in the header (the bit where you say a little about your blog) is so tiny that it’s not easily legible with all background pictures. It would be good if that size was a little bigger.

    Apart from that – a great theme. KUDOS!

  • Hi @nailsbybonnie,

    The white background was intended to bleed into the background as a design feature. It’s possible to disable this using CSS if you have the Custom Design Upgrade.


    I’m glad you like the theme. Can you give a few more details regarding the title not being centered? Which part of it is not centered?

    We will consider making the site description text a bit larger. In the meantime, you can resize the text and adjust its alignment with CSS, which is part of the Custom Design upgrade.

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