New Theme Suggestion. This features full page large grid style photos.

  • Hello,

    I use your grid style photo galleries on all my photography pages
    Such as this one for example:
    but the gallery is very narrow with small thumbnails and the photos don’t post well size wise. You never know what is going to appear small or large in the page layout.

    There are many website companies designing for photographers that offer full page photo grid style albums. One company is
    Their themes don’t have names but this example on their website is what I want:

    I have been waiting for years for you to come up with a template like this so finally I am “officially” proposing it to you. I’ve made many comments in the past.

    What I like about this site:
    1-Full page grid style photo galleries…both horizontal and vertical photos are large and easy to see. Sizes are consistent, not random and there’s no space between photos. When you mouse over a photo on the home page it shows the title of that gallery.
    2-When you click on any photo on the Overview (home) page it opens up into another full page grid style gallery. Entertainment on the home page opens up the Entertainment gallery. Again the sizes are big and look good together. They are consistent, not random as your tiles galleries are.
    3-When you click on any photo in the gallery it opens up a large size slideshow
    4-Captions can be turned on and off
    5-There are fullscreen and thumbnail options
    6-The photographer’s contact and social media info are always available
    7-One page features video

    I think if you take a look at the site it’s pretty easy to see what I like about it. WordPress doesn’t offer any theme like this (at least none that I know of.) It’s different from anything you have, simple and very attractive so I hope you will add a theme like this as soon as possible. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @cathyscholl!

    Thanks for the detailed description! Streamlined portfolio setup is definitely something that’s on the radar for the future :)

    At the moment, based on your description, I’d say Blask currently sounds like the best fit.

    It isn’t the same full width grid as your example, the menu is on the left hand side – but it does have the mosiac style, so the images aren’t cropped into uniform squares.

    The home page can show all of your portfolio projects, like (to mirror your example) “Entertainment”.

    So you’d create a Portfolio Project named “Entertainment.” Inside that project, you’d create an image gallery, and select the “Tiled Mosiac” style – then you’d have a grid similar to the one on the home page of all of the images you want.

    Depending on your site’s settings, clicking on an image in that gallery should allow you to cycle through the rest of them, similar to the page you linked to in your example :)

    Let me know if you give Blask a try, and what you think!

  • Additional thought: You might also like Illustratr:

    Mosaic portfolio, full width display – it has a bit more spacing than your example site, but it hits two of your other key points :)

  • @chad1008 thanks so much for your replies.

    Yes you are on the right track with both suggestions.

    Both have more spacing between photos as you have mentioned.

    With Blask I can see the full width display but not on Illustrator.
    Neither demo has a gallery sample…if I were to add a tiled mosaic gallery would it be similar to what I currently have or would it be a full width gallery?

    Did you see the difference between the tiled mosaic gallery on the photo folio site and the WordPress tiled mosaic gallery? The image sizes on the tiled mosaic galleries on my site seem to change based on whether I post a horizontal or vertical or square photo next to another photo, some are large and some are made smaller to fit on the page but the tiled mosaic photos on the Photo folio galleries seem to stay the same size…all horizontal are large and all vertical are large…does that make sense? That’s an important element for me.

  • @chad1008 while were at it I have one more more question…

    I have read about Blask and checked the forums for posts about it.
    That’s definitely the closest you currently have to what I am looking for…but I’m still hoping/waiting for something even closer :)

    Full page tiled galleries with all large images is what I like with no space between images.

    In the meantime…All the sites I see that are using Blask seem to have posts which are aligned to run on the left side of the page.
    Does Blask allow a center column?
    I like to see text right in front of me (like as in this page we are corresponding on) rather than having to lean over to the left. :)

    I also see that Blask has a main column width of 640. My current theme is Fusion which I believe has a main column width of 980? I can’t confirm that because Fusion is retired and I can’t get any information about it.

    Does the 640 column width mean the mosaic tiled galleries on Blask will be even narrower than the ones I currently have that I feel are way too narrow? :(

    That’s a deal breaker for me unfortunately.
    Thanks very much for your help. Please bring on the new portfolio design!

  • Hi @cathyscholl, can you clarify whether you’re looking for display on an individual page or post, or whether you want the list of posts / pages / portfolio items to tile in this way?

    The “Tiled Gallery” feature will always display within its content area, so if you add a tiled gallery to any post, it will have spaces with the way it’s currently designed.

  • @supernovia thanks.

    Please take a look at this site
    This is the example I posted above as a theme suggestion.
    Click on one of the home page photos (Entertainment is a good one) and then see the page that opens up with another tiled gallery.
    This is exactly how I want it to tile.
    Large tiles regardless of whether they are horizontal or vertical.
    In the WordPress current mosaic tiled galleries I get some pretty weird sized images. Some can be huge and some tiny. These are pretty consistent. Let me know what you think!

  • Ah, okay. Yeah that one isn’t a WordPress theme, but now that I look at it, I can see it isn’t just a gallery. If we were to do that here we’d be displaying featured images from posts or pages or portfolio items. So you would not use a “gallery” to do this, you’d want the theme to do that with your posts.

    We’ll pass along the suggestion. Thanks :)

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