New stats – columns/tables still too narrow

  • referring to: jeremeylduvall’s final comment to the (closed) topic “Stats classics: How to set?”: “We’ve enabled a two-column layout on the new stats page. This should help to reduce the amount of scrolling and make use of the available space. As always, if you have any feedback on these changes, please open a new thread!”

    jeremeylduvall, thanks for the effort, BUT the two columns are still very narrow (you have to scroll horizontally to see the full title of some of my posts). And we still have miles of empty white space on a regular PC monitor. Well, the 2-column design is OK, endurable, BUT:

    The worst things that still have to be changed, are the two very narrow tables “Months and Years” and “Average per day” of a post! Now you can only see January-August of a year (8 columns of 13), then you have to scroll to the right to see the rest of the table (losing the first 4 columns/months of the year).

    And (A) you cannot print that page (for your personal records), and (B) (worse!) you cannot produce a screenshot of a full table!

    (C) The “Months and Years” table certainly has to have the width of that “Month and Years” table in the old stats, to see the FULL YEAR at a glance!

    (D) I could do without the “Average per day” table anyway, but I certainly want the “All time views” table of my site back.

    Thanks for any further developer’s efforts/changes in advance! Theo

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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