New posts

  • Hi, I am unable to post new posts to my blog. When I click post the “beep beep bop” thing comes up but the posts never go through.. I have tried on different internet browsers and with different internet connections. This has been ongoing for the last few weeks. Is there anything else I could do?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,
    Could you please try composing a new post from your site’s Dashboard. Under your sites, navigate to Dashboard and try to create a new post from there.
    A direct link to create a new post for your site is here.
    Do keep us informed on how it goes.

  • Hi,

    I am trying to paste copy from Word, Open Office and even Notepad and no matter what I do, nothing appears in the text window. It did copy into the Title area though.

    It saves as a Draft and I can’t paste it either.

    I have tried the Dashboard>Posts>Add New Post option and it still won’t copy.

    Short of writing it all out again, over 1700 words, directly into the text window I am at a loss how to fix this. The old format was no problem at all, why in God’s name was it changed?!

    I also tried Writing Helper to no avail.

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