New post not shown in the topic lists?

  • Hi there,

    it’s me again. Sorry. I just have a little problem. I just posted a new post some thirty minutes ago, but when I go to the topics I tagged the post in, I can’t find it and I think that nobody else sees it, cause normally I get some more traffic on the blog, but in this case, I didn’t. Do you know what’s wrong here?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There are multiple threads on this issue. Have you confirmed that none of these reasons apply? global tags > missing posts

    The global tags pages now referred to as Topics have been broken for a long time perhaps due those legions who spam it and who try to game it everyday day in and day out. Staff decided to focus on integrating the topic browsing experience with the Reader and to discontinue the old listings. See here >

    The flow of traffic from the global tags pages to my blogs has never ever been sigificant and at best is negligible. It’s Google that sends traffic to blogs. Search spiders are focused on keywords found in content. Tags are not required for SEO purposes and Matt Cutts of Google makes that clear Revisiting Keywords and Tags

  • Is there a way to count the words as you write your post or have them counted at the end of you post plus a stat that tells you how long it will take to read.

    I saw this on another online blog but wasn’t able to get the info on how it is done. Wondering if WordPress does it.


  • Oh, I just realised that I tagged more than 10 words. is there a chance of getting to the new topics when I have deleted them now?

  • @nabihalamin
    Please do not post off-topic into existing threads. Please create your own instead The answer to your question is that there is already a word count provided by Look at the very last line in the editor box under any post or page and you will find it.

  • @nadini95
    Yes, but it may take some time for it to appear. Also note that if the post has been assigned a category or tag that’s among the most popular ones then the display of posts under popular tags is randomized. As there are over 32 million randomization of posts is due to how many posts are published under those most popular categories/tags every minute of the day.

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