“New post” EMAIL TO SUBSCRIBERS: Appearance suddenly changed!

  • I have a blog, yogaspy.com, on WordPress.com. When I publish a new post, my email subscribers would automatically receive an message that looked like HTML (see attached).

    Suddenly, yesterday, when I published a new post, the message looked like plain text (see attached). What happened?

    I’d like the message to look like the HTML one. I never created this template; it was just the default used for email subscribers. Can I reinstate it?


    [redacting second image]

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey @yogaspy! Thank you for letting us know. I’m looking into this and will let you know what we find. Would you happen to know what date this started, or when you last had a normal looking email?

  • @yogaspy, also: individual users have a setting for plain text or HTML emails. Do you know whether this account has had Plain Text as a preference?

    You should be able to click the Manage Subscriptions link, opening it in an incognito window if needed, and check on Settings. I can see this one has HTML set currently, but I’m wondering whether you sorted that out already yourself. Let us know. Thanks!

  • Hi Supernovia!

    I’m unsure where Manage Subscriptions link is located. But I clicked my avatar and found Notification Settings/Reader Subscriptions. There, under Email delivery format, HTML is selected. So why would my email be plain text?

    I post very infrequently, so my prior post was published in February and subscriber email was HTML. I then posted in September and subscriber email was plain text.

    So I still don’t know what’ll happen next time I publish…

  • Hi there,

    I’m unsure where Manage Subscriptions link is located.

    It’s at the bottom of each New Post email.

    The appearance (HTML or plain text) is something that cannot be configured on your end. This is something that each individual subscriber can do on their WordPress.com settings.

  • Thanks fstat!

    First, I clicked the Manage Subscriptions link at the bottom of the message. (Although I’m the blogger, I subscribed to see what others receive.) I had HTML selected. So, still a mystery.

    Second, out of curiosity, in my Yoga Spy account, I checked Users/Subscribers–and clicked on several subscribers’ View details. Strangely, under Emails sent, Open rate, and Click rate, it was always 0 (zero). I know that people are receiving those automic new post emails–because they have posted comments or otherwise told me that they read my posts. So the system isn’t accurately keeping track of these email data.

    That’s all I know for now.

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for reaching with that additional information there.

    I had HTML selected. So, still a mystery.

    I wonder if Gmail is taking it upon itself to render the HTML there…

    Second, out of curiosity, in my Yoga Spy account, I checked Users/Subscribers–and clicked on several subscribers’ View details. Strangely, under Emails sent, Open rate, and Click rate, it was always 0 (zero). I know that people are receiving those automic new post emails–because they have posted comments or otherwise told me that they read my posts. So the system isn’t accurately keeping track of these email data.

    This is curious – are you able to find a reader or audience member who definitively clicked on a link or through to the article? If yes, are you able to provide the username and email of the subscriber, and the approximate time of when that was clicked.

    This will help us to trace this and look into this further.

    Many thanks in advance!

  • Thanks for following up. Re subscribers who opened and clicked, yes, I can provide examples:

    Keith Okazaki, (email visible only to moderators and staff), opened and clicked on September 14, mid-to-late morning (some time after my message was sent at about 8:45am that day.

    jaynellj, (email visible only to moderators and staff), also opened and clicked on September 14, mid-to-late morning.

    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (I don’t know her username; I know the above usernames only because they posted comments) opened and clicked but, unfortunately can’t recall exactly when (a few days later, she thinks).

    As for my email subscription to (email visible only to moderators and staff), when I clicked on Manage Subscriptions, the even-weirder thing is that I had paused new post subscriptions to Yoga Spy (what? doesn’t make sense) and when I changed my setting to subscribe, the confirmation message was sent to my other email address, (email visible only to moderators and staff). The latter is my account email address, but my subscription email address the former.

  • PS Thanks WordPress staff for trying to solve these mysteries. But is it possible to make this topic string private? I specified three subscribers’ email addresses in my prior reply–without their consent. I’d like to remove their email address from public view to protect their privacy. Thanks again!

  • Hey there,

    PS Thanks WordPress staff for trying to solve these mysteries. But is it possible to make this topic string private? I specified three subscribers’ email addresses in my prior reply–without their consent. I’d like to remove their email address from public view to protect their privacy. Thanks again!

    Emails are only visible to WordPress.com, they’re not visible to anyone else. :)

    I hope this adds reassurance.

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