New Post Email Notifications

  • I’ve noticed that when you send an email notifying readers of a new post, that email now includes the entire text of the post. Those emails used to only include the part above the MORE marker (which I prefer).

    Is this a deliberate change or did something slip through the cracks in an update?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    This might have changed recently with some changes done on our end, however, as far as I know, it has been already fixed.
    When have you noticed that?

    Also, note that you can use the feed settings on My Site>Manage>Settings>Writings to enable the option to Limit feed to excerpt only.

    I hope that helps :)

  • Hello; thanks for the reply!

    It started maybe a week or so ago. Before that, the New Post email notification just showed the text up to the MORE tag. Starting about a week ago, the email now has the entire text of the post.

    I’m okay with the entire text being in the RSS feed. I know a lot of people who use RSS readers like having the whole text, and that’s fine with me. I hope that setting doesn’t also control the email.

    FWIW, the MORE tag does work when listing posts. Only the text up to the tag is shown. My preference is for email notifications to work that way, too.


  • Hi @wyrdsmythe, we’ll note this, thanks. That particular setting has controlled email in the past, so I’m not sure why it was “working” with the more tag for you, but we will pass that along. The ‘MORE’ tag should only be splitting content on the site itself.

    If you’d like to limit what’s shown in email, would you mind adjusting the Feed setting to show excerpts only?

  • @wyrdsmythe following up: I checked in with our developers, and they’re actually working on addressing this so it’ll go back to the way you had it before.

    You’re welcome to limit to excerpt only in the meantime, or just keep doing things the way you were doing them if you don’t mind sending the full post until it’s fixed.

  • @supernovia: Thanks for the info! I plan to publish a post tomorrow, and I’ll try (temporarily, at least) setting the feed option to extract only. I’m a little curious, anyway! :)

    I’m glad to hear it will revert to the previous behavior. That’s good news to me!

    thanks again

  • As a followup, in today’s post I had set the feed option to extract only. The New Post email I received did only contain the extract.

    But that’s the thing. It contained the extract. Not the post’s text up to the MORE tag, but just the first bit it extracted. Previously the email contained the text up to the MORE tag — which is very much what I preferred.

    I understand it will revert to that way and really look forward to it. I find the MORE tag very useful for exactly that purpose as well as limiting what’s shown on the site itself.

    thanks, best regards, and stay safe!!

  • Hi there –

    I think that what you’re describing is related to an issue that we have previously reported to our developers.

    Can you double check that the editor is not opened on another device, and that all your extra browser tabs are closed? It seems like that has made a difference for some folks.

  • @staff-zinnia: I’ve never had a failure to publish. It’s that the notification email (roughly a couple months ago?) stopped respecting the MORE tag and included the entire text of the post. Up to that point, the email had only included text up to the MORE tag.

    I can confirm the editor isn’t open on any other device. It’s possible I had other WordPress pages open (older blog posts of mine open for reference, probably). I typically schedule my posts to publish early in the AM when I’m not active.

    Since I work from my home PC, I don’t formally log out, just close all windows and the browser. Don’t know if that matters.

  • @supernovia: Any timeline on when they will do that?

  • Not currently, no. If there are any updates, they’ll be posted under

  • Just FYI, it looks like things are back to normal. I have the switch set to allow full extracts, and the new post notifications just show what’s above the MORE tag.

    I’m so glad! :D


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