New pages don't show up in navigation

  • Hi — I’m using zwooooooooo’s zBench theme, really like it. This blog is heavy in on-board content, hasn’t been up for very long, so only 2 posts so far. But the hits have been coming.

    Almost every week I add new “pages” to the blog. I typically list them as “subpages” under the main pages you see along the top.

    However, since early April the pages I create do not show up in the visible navigation at all. When I create them, I publish them, and I normally want to put them in under “Bible Study Resources” or “Audio” parent pages, and in descending page order beginning with most-recent. The new pages are visible in the dashboard/pages list, I can edit and save and update them, create shortlinks for them and make my What’s New post “a href” refer to them. But no matter what I do to them, they don’t show up in the navigation. The most recent examples of this are “The Heart of the Christ” and “Jonah: God’s Gonna Cut You Down,” and “Testpage “

    I tried to delete and re-create the subpages, to no avail. I tried to move them under other parent pages, to no avail. I even checked the shortlinks for numbers, but didn’t see any numbers in the shortlinks that I could delete so as to make them show up, re related forum advice.

    I use zBench in 2 other blogs in, and I haven’t had this problem with navigation. As far as I can tell, in each blog I’m doing exactly the same thing re creating pages, subpaging them, etc. One of the other blogs has even more pages than this one, but still no problem.

    Your thoughts?

    Thanks, cheers — Kirk

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you set up a custom menu?

    If so then have you check marked this?
    __ Automatically add new top-level pages
    and then clicked “save menu”

  • southburnabychurch · Member ·

    Yes, I did set up a custom menu, very early in the development of the blog. The problem is recent.

    No, I had not previously checked the feature you suggest. I just tried it, but nothing has changed.

    Thanks for replying quickly!

    Cheers — Kirk

  • Only the default menu of the theme displays child pages as dropdowns automatically. If you use a custom top nav menu, then turning pages into child pages has no effect: you need to add them to the menu and turn them to dropdowns manually, as shown here:


  • southburnabychurch · Member ·

    You’re right, thank you. It’s working properly now. Thanks also for very prompt replies, really appreciate the support.

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