New page showing only title

  • I created new page on my site (one you can access by clicking on a “see more” button) and I edited it – added a photo and some text. Problem is, photo and text are not showing on the published page. It’s only showing in the edit mode. On the published page you can only see the title of the page and that’s it.
    I tried deleting the page and doing it all again, but nothing changed.
    How can I fix that?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Victoria,

    This is really odd. I had a look at your page, and I can see that, for some reason, the content does not appear even in the Preview. I switched it to a draft and published it again, but nothing changed.

    When you created the page, have you done something different than when creating the other pages? How you added the image in the same way? I have to say I’m rather puzzled by this one, so any details you could share with us could help. Thanks!

  • I don’t think so to be honest. I did everything the same everywhere. Maybe I will describe it, I don’t know if it’s gonna be helpful, but maybe it can be. I should say I use wordpress in polish, so some option names may be a little different than originally, because I’m just gonna try to translate them. So when I’m here:, I go to Quick links > Add a page. And now there’s a pop-up screen offering me some layouts. I click on the “Blank page” button, because I wanna create page by myself, not using layouts. And then it takes me to my new page. I have to give it a title so I do and then I click Publish. Then I wanna add some blocks to my page so I click on a plus (either one). I choose Image. It adds a new Image block. I click on “Send”. I choose image from my pc. It’s added. That’s all I guess. I add every other blocks the same way.

  • Accepted answer

    Hi there,

    I noticed when I take a closer look at your site you appear to have edited the “Szablony” template, which is located here at this link: Site Templates

    Specifically, I’m not sure what edits you have made but it seems it has had the effect of removing the ability of the template to display the contents of any page using that template.

    If you reset this template, do you see your content as expected? You can reset it by following the steps here in this screenshot:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Thank you very much! It worked.

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