New Member Can’t Post Links!

  • Hi, I just joined and am trying to learn how to do this stuff. I have a huge problem inserting links. Here’s what happens.

    I typed in the words “Go to this link” then highlighted it and hit alt-a. It becomes a link. But when you publish it, the link doesn’t actually work.

    For example I said “Go here” and linked to, when you actually try to go there, it takes you to a 404.

    There’s no way I’m doing anything wrong, why isn’t it working? This is really frustrating.

    Please email at eteraz at gmail dot com

  • If you’ll notice the link box that pops up, it asks for the URL. Since it’s a web URL, you need to add the http:// bit. In other words, the link should be:

    If you look at your post on your blog, you’ll notice that the link is actually trying to a page within your blog. That’s because of the missing http:// bit.

    You’ll also notice that the pop up box already includes the http:// bit in there. It’s there for a reason and not removed.

    Wikipedia’s writeup on what URL means.

    Hope this helps,

  • WOW.


    Thanks. I didn’t realize I had to put that in. You were right, it was taking me to something within my own blog, which only made me paranoid =)

    In my defense, the popup box DOES NOT include the http:// preface. I would have never tampered with it if it was there!

    Thanks so much for the prompt help.

  • Could the http: not be coming up because of my version of Internet Explorer?

    I use mozilla at home.

  • In my defense, the popup box DOES NOT include the http:// preface.

    Funny, does on mine.

    Not a biggie.

    edit: Using Netscape. I see it.


  • If you’re using the WYSIWYG editor then the HTTP:// preface does not appear.

    If you’re using the older text version then it will.

    I’ve just tried this on both my blog here and my main blog running WP2.0.



  • That’s what you get you using that high fangled tech-NO-E-G. Back in my day, we didn’t have no fancy pants Y-C-whatever editor. We had to walk thru 5 miles of snow, butt naked, backwards, just to make a post.

    And we liked it!


  • You managed to avoid the barbed wire fencing then Mike? Damn do I wish someone would have warned me about it…


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