New Media Insert NOT WORKING

  • i’ll wait til the issues are resolved


  • i’m no stranger to “switch-n-bait”

  • that’s a start:-)

    acceptance of ownership of issues is a load off;-)


  • @enterprisecorruption

    acceptance of ownership of issues is a load off;-)

    I am a Volunteer who has been answering support question for over 5 1/2 years and I’m not clear how your cryptic remarks in this thread assists yourself or anyone else posting here when it comes to resolving the issues. Perhaps I’m wrong but I sense you are either confused or simply aren’t focused on finding a solution to your problem, and that makes sad as those who did try the troubleshooting tips are now up and blogging.

  • There’s no point spamming the forum when your blog is private: nobody can click through to it anyway.

  • the issues aren’t limited to my blog .. private or otherwise

  • “There’s no point spamming the forum when your blog is private: nobody can click through to it anyway.?

    you’ve probably realised how convoluted that post was
    what is new to you – is not new to me


  • “Perhaps I’m wrong but I sense you are either confused or simply aren’t focused on finding a solution to your problem, and that makes sad as those who did try the troubleshooting tips are now up and blogging.”

    and “that makes sad” means (other than trendy new lingo) .. (and it rocks!) .. ?

    i apologise for not finding a solution to your problem


  • The new upload is working. The problem is with the “publish” button, is not working. Now the way to publish is:

    1) Make the upload by any procedure (all method or over the copy/paste)
    2) used/select the insert in to post
    3) write some text etc,,,
    4) Push button “save draft”
    5) goto Post –> All Posts
    6) Open quick-edit opening the “draft” post
    7) change the status from “draft” to “published”
    8) Press update

    and then appears the post published as before. The button “save draft” is working. This procedure doesn’t send the “twitt” to your followers.

    I am using firefox v 8 /window SP3 xp, i don’t know if the problem if because my very old system. Also, yesterday to today, I had a “shockwave flash” update in my browser (version

    I hope this help a little bit the pain while people from WordPress solve the problem.

  • My WordPress blog was running fine until someone at WordPress” improved” it. I cant upload audio now from Explorer 9 (Windows 7 64 bit) . I’ve done everything recommended – clearing caches and cookies, updated java, flash acept third party cookies – everything in the list. Makes no difference. The drag and drop box will not apperar, and anything you upload the progress bar immediately flashes up 100% and neither pictures nor audio will upload. It was working fine, until yesterdays stealth improvements.

    Firefox works fine,but I hate that browser, as does Chrome, which I hate even more. Isn’t Explorer the number one still? The problems are browser specific. Its called Microsoft Explorer.

    Word Press also tells me I’m using an insecure browser (Explorer 9) It is updated to everything available to the latest minute. What gives with all these Explorer conflicts?

  • @jazzoholic
    Hello there,
    I’m sorry this has been so frustrating for you. You will have to contact Staff for assitance. Here’s the link After you use the searchbox, under the search results, at the bottom of the page there will be a section that says “Have you found the answer to your question?” You can choose either “Yes I found the answer to my question.” or “No I didn’t find the answer to my question and I would like to contact support for help.” The no option will reveal the contact form.

    Isn’t Explorer the number one still?

    No and it hasn’t been for some time now. See 2008 browser use stats.

    Current browser use stats >
    October 2011
    Firefox 38.7 %
    Chrome 32.3 %
    Internet Explorer 21.7 %
    Safari 4.2 %
    Opera 2.4 %

  • So Explorer has dropped to one in five users. No suprise really, it’s so s l o w . Did I mention I hate it too? Just a little less than Firefox and Chrome. I’ve asked for help as suggested, see what advice, thanks for yoyr time. One thought overnight – could pop-up blocking come into this anywhere?

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