"New like" notification email lacking vital information

  • So, previously the email-notification messages for new LIKES included links to the liker’s blog – a very useful feature indeed for visiting their site in return.

    The format of these email messages has, however, changed in the last day or so and such links seem to have been OMITTED from the design.

    Now, come on WordPress! Why on earth would you remove such a valuable feature?

    I really hope you will reconsider your poor UX design choices in this regard and restore this feature to the notification emails.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Thank you for your feedback; I have already shared it with our developers.

  • Thanking you kindly @staff-mckluskey


  • Hi @staff-mckluskey

    I see that the format of the “like” notification emails has now reverted to include links to the ‘likers’ blog again.

    This is most welcome – many thanks to you and the WP team!


  • Yay! Our team is still working on those emails, so there may be further changes, but I’m glad to hear the feature you were looking for is back!

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